INSPIRATION is the name I gave to this series of notebooks featuring some of my artworks. I chose this name for 2 reasons:
1) The artworks selected are all related to nature and they all have some deeper meaning symbolizing an aspect of my own life as I journey through art;
2) I'm sure the owners of these notebooks are going to be filled with inspiration to write down all they want, need, and feel. Just like the creation process of each artwork, I know you're going to allow the words to come and express what's inside of you.
You can also obtain prints of the original pieces.
Visit my “Inspiration” collection at Fine Art America to get yours!

There are 7 notebooks in this series and they feature the following artworks: |
- Enlightenment
- Sunflower of Life
- Arundina
- Energy
- Reaching out for Light
- Majesty
- Survival

Each of them has a unique story of composition that can be found on the back of the notebook. They are gorgeous 6×9″ 120 lined pages notebooks available in paperback and hardcover versions.
Take a look at each one of them below:
1 Enlightenment
The first notebook features an artwork called Enlightenment.

Artist: Daniel FF (DanFF)
Acrylics on canvas
Size: 38 x 46 cm
Year: 2023
“This painting is very symbolic. It was first created in 2017 with pastel. It was the first artwork I made. From that moment on, this work suffered a lot and it was really damaged during many changes of residence.
It feels like my own story from 2017 to 2023. So I decided to “restore” it. Not a simple restoration, but a final version. What if it had just been a draft? What if it was just the beginning of something that needed to continue? What if I were a draft?
And so “Enlightenment” was created.
This artwork made me find my way. This artwork made me find myself again.”
2 Sunflower of Life
The second notebook features an artwork called Sunflower of Life.

Sunflower of Life
Artist: Daniel FF (DanFF)
Watercolor on paper
Size: A4
Year: 2022
“When I noticed the outline of this sunflower I was painting, I realized it was missing a petal and so I decided to make this “bonus” petal in red, to bring more energy and life to it. Then, I made the core with the dance of Venus. The dance of Venus is the movement that the planet Venus makes around the sun in one year.
This is actually the third sunflower painting I made. The first one was “dead” and the second one did not bring me any joy. That’s why this one is called “Sunflower of Life”.
I see life everywhere here: in the dance of Venus, in the energy of the petals, in the tranquility of the leaves and in the peace of the sky.”
3 Arundina
The third notebook features an artwork called Arundina.

Artist: Daniel FF (DanFF)
Acrylics on canvas
Size: 40 x 40 cm
Year: 2023
“I got to know the Arundina as the Bamboo Orchid and noticed that it was very “persistent” in growing and flowering.
I researched about it and discovered that it is precisely one of the strongest types of orchids that exist!
Arundinas can withstand very extreme heat and dry weather and, even so, they grow and flourish.
This idea of strength and perseverance caught my attention, because in addition to representing these feelings, Arundina results in an extremely beautiful flower.”
4 Energy
The fourth notebook features an artwork called Energy.

Artist: Daniel FF (DanFF)
Watercolor on paper
Size: A4
Year: 2022
“This watercolor began as a painting of a handful of wheat stalks in a crystal vase, but as I started painting, I began to feel that the wheat stalks
were actually conductors of energy that flowed from the inside of the vase to the outside, spreading energy everywhere.Symbolically, wheat represents abundance and opulence and perhaps this is the energy flowing in this watercolor.
Who knows, perhaps by having it on a wall, the energy of prosperity will be present in the environment too!”
5 Reaching out for Light
The fifth notebook features an artwork called Reaching out for Light.

Reaching out for Light
Artist: Daniel FF (DanFF)
Acrylics on canvas
Size: 50 x 60 cm
Year: 2023
“The work “Reaching out for Light” portrays an Ixora bush. I was taking care of the Ixoras in my garden when I noticed that this one in particular was bending its branches to get more sunlight with more intensity than the others, spreading itself to the left side.
I stayed for a few moments observing it and realized how strong and fragile this flower is at the same time.
While the branches are quite firm and the leaves are very green and hard, the flowers are thin and fragile and they can easily fall. I decided to represent this duality of strength and fragility in this painting.”
6 Majesty
The sixth notebook features an artwork called Majesty.

Artist: Daniel FF (DanFF)
Acrylics on canvas
Size: 20 x 20 cm
Year: 2023
“Neighbors are cutting down a lot of trees around here. So today I was looking at this coconut tree and I thought “I hope they don’t cut it down”.
I decided to paint it. This painting brings me a lot of peace and inspiration because this tree is a coconut tree that stands out for its size and its strength for having grown and maintained itself in an urban environment.
It is alone there, there are no other trees around it, just small bushes. It is like a message to ourselves that we must persist to get what we want. This coconut tree symbolizes something greater, something we must revere. That’s why I titled the artwork “Majesty”.”
7 Survival
The seventh notebook features an artwork called Survival.

Artist: Daniel FF (DanFF)
Acrylics on canvas
Size: 50 x 60 cm
Year: 2023
“I was walking my three dogs and I noticed, in the pavement crack, this flower growing. I thought it was very beautiful and different. I was not familiar with it.
I know that with a certain frequency, everything that is growing on the sidewalks and pavement is removed. So I decided to remove some of these flowers myself and bring them to plant in my own garden. This is a variation of a flower called Celosia.
They survived the transplant and today I have several of them in my garden. As for those I saw in the pavement cracks, many survive to this day in a flowerbed that was created and others were removed to “clean” the place.”